The 7 Real Reasons Why Senior Professionals are Heading to the Caribbean and Staying Permanently

The 7 Real Reasons Why Senior Professionals are Heading to the Caribbean and Staying Permanently

CNBC has listed the Caribbean as one of the top destinations for the wealthy – and not just as a favorite holiday destination, but as a home.

Antigua, Grenada, and many other Caribbean islands attract senior professionals. The islands are ideal for those who are looking for a grand and comfortable home with one eye on retirement, as well as businesses and investments to keep them “young” and busy, or who simply have the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world.

Indeed, the Caribbean is ideal for “financially strategic” people. Another factor that is making it an ideal destination for them is the second citizenship program offered by five of the nations in the region. If you are a senior professional looking for a great investment for your money, you should consider second citizenship by investment. This program allows you to take advantage of:

·  The unprecedented growth of wealth in the region due to the booming tourism and work industries.

·  The continuous real estate developments that make the Caribbean a perfect retreat for holidaymakers and those who are looking to settle permanently.

·  The increasingly environmentally responsible lifestyle, which helps preserve the natural beauty of the islands (plastic has been banned in Antigua, for instance, and there is a focus on the “Blue Economy”).

·  The added health benefits of a tropical climate.

Such are just some of the benefits awaiting you but there are even more. Find out the seven other great reasons why others like you have their eyes set on living in the Caribbean.

1.     The creative culture.

The region is abundant with color and lively music. This is because Caribbean locals are naturally creative. In fact, the Caribbean is home to countless famous artists and writers (women writers from the region, particularly, continue to gain attention in the international literary society).

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A lot of accomplished professionals say they developed a newfound love for the arts upon coming here because even small and remote communities have their own art galleries that promote local artists’ works.

2.     English is widely spoken.

Do you only speak English? No problem. English is the language that most locals speak. This is definitely a major advantage for anybody who often finds it difficult to learn a new language. Secondary languages throughout the region include Spanish, French, and Dutch.

3.     Your personal financial resources can go a long way here.

Contrary to what you might have heard, life in the Caribbean does not necessarily have to be more expensive than life in your home country. Some things are less expensive in the Caribbean than in North America or Europe, for instance. Your daily living requirements need not burden your savings or income too greatly. You can direct more of your money toward any investment that you believe will provide you with solid returns and help create the best quality of life for you.

4.     The locals are warm people.

Generally, locals are genuinely caring and friendly. Plus, they tend to look after everybody in their community – be they locals like them or new expats. A lot of expats here feel like they are always treated like extended members of the local families, which they appreciate immensely.

5.     The food is healthy.

Nothing can beat the vast selection of fruits and vegetables that can be bought inexpensively from the local market. Ditto with the fresh seafood loaded with the omega 3 fatty acids that are crucial to adult health. There are some traditional deep-fried delicacies that may tempt you once in a while, but generally, you can find everything you need to eat a healthy diet all year round. Moreover, the lifestyle in the temperate climate is very healthy. It’s easy to get up with the birds and go for a beautiful walk when the sun shines every single day.

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6.     The cottage industry of elderly care is growing.

Worried about who will take care of you when you get old in a different country? Don’t be.

There are a growing number of assisted communities for adults in the entire Caribbean region and they are attracting young retirees and even their parents. The communities are not only strategically located to benefit the health of the special residents but they are staffed with highly trained care professionals as well.

These assisted communities for seniors are luxurious accommodations.

7.     Some Caribbean islands enjoy a really low crime rate.

Safety is another draw factor. For example, in Antigua and Barbuda, the crime rate is one of the lowest in the region.

If you are looking for a new place to call home, explore the potentials of the Caribbean nations as your prospect for a second home.

A lot of people are already living their best life in the Caribbean region and you may get your best life as well by deciding to make a Caribbean nation your other home.


Kal Kennard is a Partner at Citizens International, a white-glove specialist firm offering private client services necessary for citizenship investment into the Caribbean, Canada, and Europe. Based in the Caribbean for the past 15 years, she is an experienced consultant who works directly with many professional partners and advises clients worldwide.