Stay Fit and Fab: Outstanding Places to Visit in Western Sydney After a Bunch of Holidays

Stay Fit and Fab: Outstanding Places to Visit in Western Sydney After a Bunch of Holidays

It is nearly December which means a lot more Holidays are waiting along the way to the spectacular place of Western Sydney!  And Holidays are pictured with a lot of best-tasting foods to choose from on the long and exceptionally filled table – which leads to having fats made from the happy seasons, laughable and unforgettable memories.

But of course, there is always the need for facing all the consequences of the non-stop lunch and dinner dates with family, friends, or special someone. The Holiday-gotten flabs will seem to have its payback in its extremely shocking way.

Here is the list provided as to where you can visit a gym or recreation centre after going through a bunch of Holidays. Better keep all these jotted down on a notepad and plan the happiest Holidays-to-be of your life.

One55 Health and Fitness

This fitness centre offers a whole new level of workout.  They are proud to offer yoga, boxing, Zumba, and the Spartan Warrior Workout. They also do a great favour for the fans of Les Mills workouts by picking out the best of them – the BodyCombat, Bodyattack, and Grit Strength.

But if you want to be more focused on burning those carbs, they can also provide you with personal trainers who are very much skilled. They guarantee an effective result by formulating custom programs across fitness, diet, and supplement from their onsite nutrition station.

According to One55 Health and Fitness team, they are striving hard to be more than just a place to work out, because for them, being mindful of your own health and fitness must be a lifestyle. It is a clear reminder that people must somehow think of their health and prioritize a healthy lifestyle. If you can afford to travel and buy things that you want, why not try to invest in your health and fitness?

Sydney Gymnastics & Aquatic Centre

  Another unique and satisfying place that will bring out all the sweats in you is the Sydney Gymnastics & Aquatic Centre. SGAC is not a typical place you would see around – it is proud to provide a world-class experience to its patrons with its state-of-the-art equipment in a 4,000sqm area of gymnastics space.

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What you would absolutely like at SGAC is that they are providing activities and activity areas that cater to all ages. So, whether you are going solo, with friends, or even with your whole family, you would have enough space to share and enjoy. Below are just some of their offerings.

Junior Explorers


Kinder Fun

Kinder Skills

Gym Fun

Gym Skills

Tramp Skills

Teen Skills Women’s Gymnastics

Men’s Gymnastics



True Bod


Aqua Babies


School Aged

Stroke Correction

Recreational Squad

Junior Squad

Bronze Squad


Aqua Aerobics

Aqua X


Casual Swim

Holiday Programs

School Programs

Staying Active (Over 50s)

Health and Fitness

Birthday Parties

True Bod


 Also, having an access on their two 25 metre swimming pools, heated 28 and 32 degrees individually, are privileged to their spacious changing rooms and showers, complimentary use of lockers, and a free WiFi (yes, a free WiFi!) – applicable to both casual and regular pool members. Amazing, right?

When you get tired of working out or playing around, feel free to visit their modern café selling hot and cold coffee and beverages good-to-go or dine-in foods. And if you get too excited about visiting the place and forget your swimwear or swim goggles, don’t worry because they got your back! They have a merchandise store supplies inside.

Sydney West Sports and Medicine

The Sydney West Sports Medicine is Western Sydney’s leading sports medicine and rehabilitation clinic. Situated within the SGAC, the SWSM is proud to present their skilled and well-trained team of practitioners who use an evidenced-based approach to deliver constantly effective individual and holistic treatment.

The SWSM offers sports medicine, exercise physiology, chiropractic, massage therapy, podiatry, physiotherapy, occupational health doctors, orthopaedic surgeons, and dieticians. Aside from that, they also provide diabetes classes, Pilates classes, gait analysis, and sports performance and testing.

Their AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill is the same as the one that gives Western Sydney Wanderers and Brendan Davies their performance superiority. Feel safer because their hour-long Hydrotherapy classes are fully supervised by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist.

If SWSM amazes you, you can book Hydrotherapy, Pilates, and AlterG Treadmill sessions and classes by their online store which you can pay with a secured credit card or PayPal check-out.

True Bod

We are down to the last one yet not the least of all, the True Bod. If you want to add a spice on your gym practices, you can also visit True Bod which can be found within the SGAC in Rooty Hill. But unlike, SGAC, True Bod caters only for adult.

Their program is structured to strengthen, mobilise, and condition the body. But don’t worry if you have no gymnastics experiences, because whether you are a newbie or already have a gymnastics background,

They will be devoted enough on pushing you to your limit by learning the basic gymnastics, stretch, strength and conditioning circuits, parkour and tricking, and learn more about their open class.

These are just some of the gym and recreation centres topped on the chart in Western Sydney. You already know now where to go in case your pants won’t fit on you after endless celebrations, right?


Kath Ramirez is a journalism graduate who aims to turn her dreams into her passion. Her love for writing started when she was seven years old, reading illustrated books. Writing articles, reading books, and dancing is her passion and she breathes into life with these. Kath is also engaged in exploring different places to stay for vacation or Holidays and a food addict but health conscious. She now works as a writer for West HQ, one of the best travel locations in the heart of Western Sydney.