How does technology fair within healthcare?

How does technology fair within healthcare?

Numerous revolutionary jumps in health technology have been made over the centuries. Still, only some have had the widespread influence or impact that digital technology has. Significant advancements in networking and computing have not only expanded medical treatment choices but have also revolutionized how clinicians accomplish their jobs. As the healthcare business faces new difficulties, technology solutions are assisting leaders in improving performance, increasing system integration, and managing costs. As the demands on enterprises grow, healthcare technology can streamline processes, automate operations, and optimize workflows on a scale that humans cannot. In addition, as hospitals adopt value-based health reimbursement models, these technologies assist healthcare staff in improving patient care, creating better experiences, and reducing burnout. We will explore these healthcare benefits further before addressing the specific technologies helping the industry grow.

The benefits of technology in healthcare

The traditional healthcare setting has the potential to be transformed by technology. Cost-cutting measures, unpleasant wait times, inefficiencies in drug research, and limited access to insurance and healthcare providers are all being addressed or improved through technology-infused care. Here are some of the specific ways the healthcare industry benefits from using technology.

  1. The collection and accessibility of data

One of the essential parts of the healthcare industry is the acquisition of patient data. Medical data is required for doctors to examine the patient’s status and illness to locate a potential cure. Because everything was done with pen and paper in the past, patient records used to generate a lot of paperwork. It wasn’t easy to gain access to previous records. However, with the advent of digitalization, patients’ medical information can be integrated into a cloud-based, computerized system. This has made it extremely simple for specialists, patients, and medical billers to access information with the click of a mouse from anywhere and at any time. This system is referred to as Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) or Electronic Health Records (EHRs).

2. Improved access

One of the most significant hurdles to quality care is healthcare access. Expense, distance, and physical constraints frequently prohibit patients from accessing the care they require, resulting in treatment delays. Disadvantaged groups are disproportionately affected, and providers can assist them in reaping the benefits of healthcare technology. Telehealth, for example, has been shown to minimize ER visits and save patient and provider expenses. In addition, portable diagnostic equipment allows doctors to treat patients in their communities rather than traveling to an office.

3. Improved diagnostics 

Genome sequencing is the process of decoding a person’s genome. As a result, it is referred to as the healthcare future. The ability of medical specialists to sequence the human genome is one of the most incredible achievements in medical technology. The sequence provides scientists with information about the genetic advancement carried by a particular piece of DNA. The availability of genomic information is advantageous in quickly extracting potent indicators and storing them for future detection. Furthermore, this genetic data is utilized to discover the reasons and origins of diseases and ways to improve health.

4. Better coordination 

Better coordination has long been a priority in healthcare. Yet, despite the increased focus, care coordination remains a difficulty for organizations, particularly during transitions of care, resulting in inadequate care quality and safety. Technological advancements can improve provider communication and reduce errors during care transitions. Innovative IT companies have introduced several solutions in response to the increased demand for support with care transitions. Some of these technologies are stand-alone systems and apps designed to help with the transition of care, while others are packaged with other products to help with broader issues, including communication, education, and medication adherence.

5. Reduces costs

Medical technology improvements provide for several cost-cutting measures. Using electronic health records (EHRs) has helped keep healthcare costs in check. It has been established that transitioning from paper records to meaningfully integrated EHRs saves healthcare providers, particularly hospitals, significant money per patient. Office-based physicians are trailing behind in implementing EHRs in some circumstances. Still, they are catching up because of the potential benefits. Companies may be concerned about the regulatory difficulties associated with EHR processing and need more technical resources to solve them appropriately. The use of electronic and interactive appointment scheduling reduces the number of missed appointments. Allowing patients to self-schedule and change appointments decreases missed visits and saves money for healthcare facilities.

Now that we know the benefits of using technology to help improve patient care, it’s time to look at the technologies themselves and explore how they impact the industry.

Types of technology used in healthcare

Technology is taking over many industries, and it is helping to revolutionize the healthcare sector. Because of this, those working in healthcare now need to ensure they are tech-savvy and have a comprehensive understanding of how specific technologies relate to their jobs. This is why many are pursuing an online master’s of health administration. The University of Ottawa’s curriculum fosters the fundamental health systems and management skills required for today’s healthcare executives to flourish. In addition, its emphasis on data, technology, innovation, leadership, and policy expertise helps you develop advanced and highly applicable skills to keep up with the regulatory landscape and health sector changes. The following are some technologies you will learn about that are at the forefront of the healthcare industry.

  • Apps
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Applications available to the general public are constantly changing, diverse, and many. These range from mental health applications and fitness trackers to image analysis apps like mole-checking. While some applications are untrustworthy, several can be used and synced to trusted medical devices to assist a person in monitoring and managing their medical issues more effectively. In addition, some allow people to view their medical records, among other things.

Medical apps not only provide patients with more information about their health, wellness, and recovery. Physicians, including junior doctors, can now use the power and flexibility of mobile apps to optimize operations. Doctors acquire reliable information faster than ever before when they use healthcare applications. This enables them to provide better patient care and significantly impacts the speed and value of decision-making.

There are other advantages for healthcare professionals. Digital healthcare apps can centralize medical records while providing a quick and cost-effective approach to implementing new services and initiatives.

  • Robotics

Following the outbreak COVID-19, the healthcare sector has been inundated with revolutionary technologies to help with care delivery in these uncertain times. As a result of the pandemic, employee vacancies grew, social constraints hampered many traditional care delivery methods, and strict infection control procedures posed new obstacles to care delivered by humans. Although the issues brought on by the pandemic have abated, staff burnout, an aging population, and backlog stresses induced by the outbreak have resulted in personnel shortages across healthcare organizations worldwide. Robotic technologies are often regarded as potentially relieving labor strains, particularly in healthcare. Examples of such systems include transportation robots for automated delivery of equipment within hospitals and remote presence robots for virtual consultations.

And that’s not all. Other areas of healthcare, such as surgery, have seen robotics deployed at an increasing rate. Indeed, surgery is one of the fastest-developing fields of robotics in healthcare. Surgical robots have been employed in various procedures ranging from head and neck to urology. These robots have increased reach and flexibility and the ability to make more accurate incisions to gain access to a specific area. This provides doctors with more control over the procedure. In addition, some robots can provide more precise bone cuts with less ablated bone and soft tissue damage, promoting faster recovery. While providing higher accuracy, less damage, and easier and quicker access, these robots are not intended to replace surgeons. At all times, the surgeon has complete control of the system.

  • Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial intelligence (AI) presents a significant opportunity in healthcare, not only by automating some of the problem-solving tasks performed by doctors and other medical professionals but also by making faster and better decisions and using problem-solving strategies that humans alone cannot. This will lower the cost of care while improving results since things will happen earlier, faster, and better. Rather than replacing humans with robots, which would create unemployment, this should be seen as a method to address the enormous unmet need for clinical care.

For the last 50 years, disease diagnosis and treatment have been at the heart of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Early rule-based systems could accurately diagnose and treat disease but were not widely used in clinical practice. They were not considered better at diagnosing than humans, and their integration with clinical workflows and health record systems was less than optimal. Whether rules-based or algorithmic, using artificial intelligence in healthcare for diagnostic and treatment plans can be challenging to integrate with clinical processes and EHR systems. Compared to the accuracy of proposals, integration concerns have been a higher impediment to the mainstream use of artificial intelligence in healthcare. However, this has significantly changed in recent times, and the accuracy of artificial intelligence has improved so drastically that it can now prevent fewer medical errors from happening due to human error. This brings us nicely to our next technology sector.

  • Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in healthcare will continue to play a vital role in altering healthcare through driving innovations, efficient medical data processing, and better chronic illness treatment. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that mimics how humans learn using data and algorithms. Over time, it improves accuracy as more data is sent into it. Machine learning in healthcare uses data to improve treatment efficiency and overall character by reducing human intervention.

Machine learning is essential in the healthcare business because it can help us make sense of the vast amounts of healthcare data created daily within electronic health records. Applying machine learning in healthcare, such as machine learning algorithms, can assist us in discovering patterns and insights that would be impossible to find otherwise. When machine learning in healthcare becomes more widely used, healthcare professionals will have the potential to take a more predictive approach, resulting in a more unified system with improved treatment delivery and patient-centered processes. The most prevalent machine learning applications in healthcare include medical billing automation, clinical decision assistance, and establishing clinical practice recommendations within health systems.

  • Wearables
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If you remember clip-on pedometers, you know how far we’ve come in developing wearable health and fitness equipment. Yet, how might wearable technology be used in healthcare? And how is research advancing the accessibility of wearable technology? In the last five years, there has been a growth in the number of digital wellness wearables that can gather data in real time and expose the physical and chemical features of the body to assess wellness.

Wearable technology includes Fitbits, smartwatches, and any electronic gadget designed to be worn on a user’s body. Wearable devices in healthcare are intended to collect data on users’ health and exercise. They can even convey a patient’s health information in real time to a doctor or other healthcare expert. Wearable technology advancements and increased consumer demand to take charge of their health have led the medical industry, including insurers, providers, and technology companies, to produce more wearable devices such as Fitbits, smartwatches, and wearable monitors.

Disadvantages of using technology in healthcare

Many people’s lives and well-being have been drastically improved by digital health technologies, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Digitalization may have a promising future in the healthcare sector. However, we should evaluate other risks associated with digital healthcare technology before implementing new, digitized processes. Future medical technology must consider these issues and endeavor to enhance and refine itself. These issues include:

  • Cybersecurity 

The simplicity with which data is generated, saved, and transmitted across systems and parties is one of the most significant benefits of adopting technology in healthcare. When it functions properly, this data proliferation enables better healthcare management, from diagnosis to therapy. Many of these data capabilities are powered by cloud computing in healthcare, giving rise to cloud-connected medical devices and accompanying applications. The internet of things, or IoT, refers to gadgets with sensors that may connect with other devices and systems. Despite the numerous applications for medical devices in healthcare, all the data created and transmitted via the internet can be problematic. Without cybersecurity, patients and healthcare organizations are vulnerable to cyber attacks.

  • Adoption by patients

One significant downside of technology in healthcare is that some patients may need to become more familiar with it. Some patients may lack mobile phones or Internet connectivity, rendering applications and video visits ineffective. While this is not a complete disadvantage, it is an essential barrier that healthcare workers must consider when utilizing technology to transform patient care and interactions.

  • Limits interactions

Another point of contention is that advances in healthcare technology have limited patient-doctor connections. It’s because technology allows for remote consultations and doctor access. This has been commonly observed during the pandemic. Even though such a system benefits illness prevention, more physical intervention might be needed for various reasons. For starters, it makes diagnosing the patient difficult for the doctor. All consultations will be based on the patient’s verbal explanations and limited visual examinations. Second, many people are concerned that technology is gradually lowering empathy for patient care because automation is now replacing many essential duties healthcare workers perform.


Healthcare is one of the most significant sectors to employ technology. Technological developments in the medical field allow for a better knowledge of humans, new insights into the human body, and therefore and better treatment of many disorders. But, progress cannot be made until other factors impeding the path to a better and healthier future are considered. Incorporating technology into medical applications opens new avenues for patients and medical workers to live sustainably and combat previously incurable ailments.

The future of healthcare holds many possibilities, and medical technology will play a significant part in ensuring we can address all the major health concerns we face. We frequently consider healthcare positions to be particularly human labor intensive; for example, doctors and nurses work long hours and conduct physical labor to care for patients. On the other hand, new healthcare technology enables medical personnel to advance in their sector, help more people, and combat new diseases, all while reducing their own physical input.

While our healthcare system has gone a long way thanks to the plethora of benefits made possible by technology, it is apparent that this is only the beginning of what technology in healthcare has in store. From improving the patient care process and lowering costs to generating innovative medical skills and treatment options, our digital age offers many medical opportunities.