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Best 5 Tips for Your Child’s First Day at Childcare


Your child’s first day at childcare is the start of their education journey! This is an exciting time, but for some families, it can also feel nerve-wracking and overwhelming. 

With the right preparation, your child’s first day at childcare can be a positive experience. Soon, your child will look forward to attending their centre, where they’ll spend time with their friends and learn new things every day. 

Here are 5 tips to help your child have a great first day at childcare.

1. Be prepared

Being prepared is an important part of ensuring that your child’s first day goes smoothly without unnecessary stress.

Plan ahead for your child’s first day at childcare. It’s a good idea to pre-prepare clothes, lunches, or other items your child will need to bring with them. Allow plenty of time to get organised so that you don’t have to rush.

2. Have a positive attitude

Your attitude to childcare will influence your child’s expectations, so it’s important that you maintain a positive approach, even if you’re feeling a little uncertain. 

Put a smile on your face, and talk to your child about all the reasons why childcare will be great! Tell your child about the toys and games at their childcare centre, and remember to remind yourself why this is a positive step in your child’s learning journey.

3. Help your child settle in

Helping your child settle in is the key to a great first day. Arrive at the centre early, and spend some time with your child until they become more confident in their new environment

While it’s a good idea to stay with your child as they settle in, try not to stay at the centre for too long. Once your child is ready to start participating in centre programs and activities, say goodbye. If you’re feeling anxious, ask your child’s educators if you can call to check in throughout the day.

4. Establish a routine

A good routine is important when it comes to early childhood education. You can start creating a routine on your child’s first day! 

There are lots of ways to introduce routine to drop-off time. Say hello to your child’s educators, help your child store their belongings for the day, then give them a hug goodbye before leaving them to have a great day at childcare.

5. Plan for pick-up

At the end of your child’s first day at childcare, you’ll pick them up for the first time. 

At pick-up time, ask your child’s educators about their day, and remember to ask your child questions too. Did they meet a friend or learn something new? Encourage your child to tell you what they liked about childcare, and validate their feelings if they are still a little unsure.

If you’re searching for the right childcare centre, MyXplor can help you find centres near you. For example, a parent-based in Croydon, New South Wales, might visit the MyXplor Croydon listing to find a childcare centre. 

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