How to Survive Your DMV License Renewal: 5 Must-Know Tips

How to Survive Your DMV License Renewal: 5 Must-Know Tips

In the blink of an eye, you can easily go from a quick appointment to spending your entire day at the DMV.

No matter where you live, the crowded lobby and frustrating wait times can be a huge mental drain—even when you want to do something as simple as a DMV license renewal. But if you feel like you’re battling your way to the counter every time you head to the office, a little preparation can help!

Here’s a quick guide to the five tips you’ll need to survive at the DMV.

1. Bring the Right Paperwork

There are few things more frustrating than going for your DMV driver’s license renewal, waiting in line, and learning that you don’t even have the right paperwork on hand.

To avoid this, make sure you have proof of your age and identity with an old driver’s license, a state ID card, a passport, or a voter registration card, for example. You’ll also need proof of liability insurance to show that you’re covered in the area where you live. Make yourself a checklist, and stick to it!

2. Check the Online Portal

Depending on your region, you may be able to renew your license online, or at least start the process. With a computer or mobile phone, you can submit paperwork in advance and, in some cases, even complete the entire procedure online.

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Even if you can’t do the process online, some DMVs allow you to book an appointment to jump the line. Check your local DMV’s online portal for details, and book a time slot in advance. Services like the ones on this homepage may also be able to help.

3. Head Over at the Right Time

This is one of the tried-and-true tricks when it comes to a DMV license plate renewal. Early mornings or before lunch tend to be your best bet if you’re hoping to get in and out of the office in a timely fashion.

Note that you may still find a healthy line already in place even if you opt to get to the DMV at a “good time,” so you should still plan to do a little waiting.

4. Be Prepared

No, we’re not talking about the paperwork you should already have on hand. Instead, you should be prepared to make the most of your wait time, especially if you’re unable to visit the DMV early in the day.

Make sure you have water and snacks and a portable charger for your phone. You may also want to bring any work you need to do, or you might want to drag a friend along to keep you company.

5. Stay Calm

Fortunately, drivers license renewals are standard procedure at the DMV, so there should be little reason for parties on either side of the desk to get up in arms. However, the DMV is notorious for being a place of high tension, so make sure to take a few deep breaths if you find yourself frustrated.

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The paperwork and process may seem convoluted, but the DMV employees are your lifeline to getting your new license in a timely manner, so it pays to stay on their good side instead of resorting to anger.

Get Your DMV License Renewal in Record Time

Most people can expect to wait an hour or more to get in and out of the DMV, but following these tips can help you whittle down the time you spend under those harsh fluorescent lights.

With a little forethought, you can get your DMV license renewal and escape the crowded lobby to take back the rest of your day. Don’t forget to make that appointment online!

Looking for more tips to make the most of your busy schedule? Check out our other posts for more insights.