4 Essential Safety Tips for Driving in the Snow

4 Essential Safety Tips for Driving in the Snow

Unfortunately, there are approximately 6 million car accidents per year within the United States. While these occur for a multitude of reasons, many are due to inclement weather conditions while driving.

Snowy conditions are some of the most difficult to navigate, and there’s a handful of tips that all drivers should keep in mind while they’re on the road during wintertime.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about driving in the snow.

1. Don’t Brake on Icy Roads

One of the most common mistakes that drivers make while driving in the snow for the first time is hard-braking on icy roads. While this may seem like the method of choice to make an immediate stop, you will actually reduce the traction that your tires have on the road and end up sliding a much further distance than you attend.

As you may expect, it’s going to easily result in a collision with another vehicle or property. Instead, ease onto your brakes as slowly as possible and begin breaking well before you need to stop.

2. Stay Further Behind Other Vehicles Than You Typically Would

Even if you aren’t on an icy road, you should still stay far behind other vehicles. Not only does this prevent you from sliding into them if you need to stop, but you’ll also give yourself plenty of time to react to them braking.

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It’s not uncommon for the driver ahead of you to immediately see an animal, fallen tree, etc. and the road, something that often leads to abrupt changes in speed.

3. Keep an Emergency Kit in Your Car

If you live in an area that frequently has unfavorable driving conditions, Is essential that you keep an emergency kit in your car. This should include items like road flares, an ice scraper, blankets, a flashlight, and kitty litter.

For those unfamiliar, kitty litter is used to help wheels gain traction with the pavement if you become stuck in a ditch or on a particularly icy patch of road. Additionally, your emergency kit should also include a spare tire and first aid supplies.

4. Plan Ahead

Fortunately, planning ahead can help you prevent many of the complications associated with driving in the snow. Before you embark on a longer trip, be sure to check the weather for the period of time you’ll be traveling— Doing so will make your trip far safer.

You can visit this resource to learn more about accident news and adjust your route accordingly.

Driving in the Snow Effectively Can Seem Difficult

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the above information about driving in the snow in mind, you’ll be well on your way toward staying as safe as possible while you’re on the road.

Want to learn more tips that can help you out in the future? Be sure to check out the rest of our blog.