Placing your loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision to make. You likely want to try out other options to see if something else will work before making that decision.
There does come a time, however, when putting your parent in a nursing home or another loved one in a nursing home is the right decision.
To ensure this is the right move, you should know the signs it’s time for a nursing home. Always keep your loved one’s best interest in mind, even if it’s hard on you, and continue reading below.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to know when it’s time for a nursing home.
Table of Contents
1. They Need 24/7 Care
When a loved one becomes older, there will be certain things they need help with. At first, you may be able to help them out with these things, such as taking them on grocery store runs or helping them clean around the house.
But as time progresses, there might be more and more activities that your loved one can no longer do by themselves.
If they have a chronic illness, then this could add to the amount of care needed. Once a loved one needs care 24/7, it might be time to contact professional help. Even if you and your relatives can take turns providing care, they’ll still need someone throughout the night.
If you don’t have enough people to take different shifts throughout the day, then a nursing home might be the best place for them to live.
2. Caregiver Stress Is High
What if your loved one is currently being cared for by a hired caregiver (or someone in the family) and that person is experiencing high stress levels? Then you’ll want to consider other options.
Caring for an aging individual, even if it’s someone you love, is a difficult task. There will be days when you get emotional (angry, sad, frustrated, heartbroken) and days where you simply feel exhausted.
If caring for your loved one is causing high amounts of stress, then this is neither good for the caregiver or your loved one. You want them to be in a stress-free environment around people who have the patience and knowledge to help them each day.
3. Health Conditions Have Worsened
If your loved one is currently residing in their own home, but their health conditions have recently worsened, then finding a reputable nursing home for them might be best. Even if you and other relatives or friends are able to take different shifts helping out, some health conditions are better handled by healthcare professionals.
When health conditions or illnesses do arise, keep in mind that there will most likely be several different medications that your loved one must take each day to remain healthy. These medications will need to be taken at different times throughout the day, and your loved one might have trouble remembering when to take them.
They’ll need someone by their side to ensure they get all their medications at the right times and to monitor their health as well.
4. Good Hygiene Is an Issue
Is your loved one currently battling with hygiene issues? As your loved one ages, they might not remember to take a shower or bathe as often as needed. They might not be able to bathe or clean themselves correctly either.
This could lead to more health complications down the road. If hygiene is an issue with your loved one and you have trouble helping them bathe or they refuse to do so, then a nursing home could be a solution.
There will be certified nurses there who have experience working with elderly patients and helping them maintain good hygiene.
5. They Tend to Wander
When a loved one refuses to stay in their home or tends to wander and get lost, this is a horrible event. Not knowing where your loved one is or how to find them can cause guilt, worry, and other emotions.
If they tend to wander and get lost, then this is also a safety concern. When placed in a nursing home, your loved one will have 24/7 care and security there to ensure everyone’s safety.
6. There Are Mobility Issues
When your loved one is no longer able to get around by themselves, they’ll need someone by their side each moment of the day to help them get around. If they need to use the restroom in the middle of the night, who will be there to help them back and forth?
If your loved one were to fall, then more serious health issues could arise. To prevent this from happening, you might want to consider a nursing home where they’ll have someone there to help them at all times.
7. Safety at Home Is a Concern
How safe is your loved one’s home?
If your loved one stays in their home, then there will need to be certain adjustments made to the home to ensure it’s safe enough for them. Handrails in the bathrooms and showers, ramps to the doors rather than stairs, and other safety features should be added to ensure their safety.
If you’re unsure if their home is safe enough for them, then it might be time to find a nursing home. If you’re worried about victims of abuse in nursing homes, then be sure to contact a lawyer and know your rights. You should be able to visit your loved one there each day and call the nursing home to check in on them as well.
Before selecting a facility, be sure to take tours of several different homes until you find the right one for your loved one.
These Are the Signs It’s Time for a Nursing Home
Knowing when’s the right time to place a loved one in a nursing home is difficult. Refer back to this post about the signs it’s time for a nursing home to ensure you’re making the right decision.
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