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Buying a Mac: 5 Tips You Need To Know

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Apple didn’t become the very first $2trillion company for no reason!

Inspirational founders, industry-rocking ideas, and a commitment to sleek, stunning design-work have all contributed to its success. People across the entire globe go mad for the brand and the leading technology that it sells.

Of all Apple’s infamous products, though, few are better-known or loved than the Mac.

After all, this is the computer that first put the company on the map! Over the 30 years since its initial conception, countless Apple users have come to know, own, and love them. However, that doesn’t mean buying a mac is easy.

With lots of money on the line and an ever-expanding product line, choosing one Apple Mac over another can be an almighty challenge. Do you want some help with this buying process? Well, you’re in the right place.

Keep reading to discover 5 top tips for buying the best possible Apple Mac for your needs.

  1. Consider Your Budget

The very first thing to think about is cost. As we said in the introduction, buying a Mac is by no means cheap. Seriously, brand new computers can set you back many thousands of dollars; you can expect to spend even more if you need extra RAM or storage space. That’s why it’s important to a) identify how much you can afford and b) be ready for your bank balance to take a hit!

There’s good news too though:

Unlike other computers, Macs can last for years before they stop working. The upfront cost might seem excessive, but they’re reasonably affordable when you consider their long working lives.

Nevertheless, if you’re on a tight budget but determined to get a Mac, then consider buying a used and/or refurbished model instead. You can get these restored models at huge discounts and even find older products that are no longer available in stores.

Be wary of buying anything too old, though. The last thing you want is your MacBook overheating, freezing, or otherwise playing up as soon as you get your hands on it!

  1. Think About Usage

It’s worth considering how you plan to use your Mac too. What do you need it for? Do you want to travel with it? Or do you only need it for the home?

The answers to these kinds of questions will have various implications. For example, you might want a giant screen for your home office, or a smaller computer to take on the commute to work. Furthermore, they’ll impact whether you want to buy a desktop or notebook computer.

Regarding the latter point, Apple provides high-quality options in both categories. From the super-powerful iMac Pro (desktop) to the versatile Macbook Pro (notebook), you’re sure to find a mac that’s right for you. But it’s important to first think about how, where, and why you’ll be using it in order to make the best possible choice.

  1. Don’t Forget About RAM

Some considerations for buying a Mac are the same as purchasing any computer. Finding a device with sufficient RAM is one such example.

Basically, RAM (short for random access memory) is the computer’s short term memory and is crucial to its overall performance. Think of it as the device’s working space, where any information that it’s using is stored so it can be accessed with ease. Buying a computer with insufficient RAM can cause a host of problems, including random freezes and crashes.

Make sure the Mac that you buy has enough RAM to avoid such problems and enjoy a better user-experience all-around. The exact amount that you need will vary, but it’s best to avoid anything under 16GB if possible.

  1. Buy Sufficient Storage

Don’t forget to pay attention to your storage requirements either. It goes without saying that your Mac should have enough space to hold all of your photos and documents.

Having said that, another perk of purchasing a Mac is that you can add extra storage space if/when you need it. That means you could buy a cheaper Mac with less space upfront and then get external SSD storage in the future. In other words, you can spread the cost without sacrificing essential storage!

Opting for an internal flash SSD with a minimum of 256GB would be a good starting point.

While we’re on the subject of storage, we should mention that some Macs still come with standard internal hard drives. They tend to be cheaper computers, but we recommend buying SSD options instead. They’re well worth the cost for the huge speed benefits you get in return!

  1. Power’s Important Too

Last but not least, you’ll want to take the computer’s processing power into consideration too. The more power you have, the quicker everything will operate and the more tasks you’ll be able to juggle at once. That’s good news if you enjoy streaming Netflix videos, scrolling through social media, and occasionally adding to your latest work project all at once!

Now, most Macs come with quad-core Intel i5 processors, which deliver good-quality entry-level power. You can expect to perform all of your everyday computer tasks with no trouble.

However, the speed and functionality really step up with i7s and above. These processors would be a superior option for anybody who’s involved with content creation. From editing videos to using Photoshop and professional graphic design software, you’re sure to appreciate the added power.  

Remember These Tips When Buying a Mac

Apple has become a household name and tech powerhouse for a wide array of reasons. Not least, though, is the fact that it creates some incredible products. From the iPhone to the iPod, this global brand is known everywhere for its sleek, powerful, and user-friendly goods.

Few of Apple’s products are quite as iconic as the Mac though. This computer made waves when it first came out and continues to set the standard for high-quality personal computing.

Alas, buying a Mac can be easier said than done! We hope the tips in this post will help in this regard. Keep them in mind and you should be one step closer to buying the best mac possible.

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