Ten salon supplies that make your nails shine

Ten salon supplies that make your nails shine

It is hard to make it to the salon regularly for the nail care treatment, but it is also important that your nails and the skin around your nails remain dirt free and healthy. Due to heavily busy working schedules, many women are unable to make it to the salon regularly, and therefore the idea of giving home therapy to nails arises. To fulfill the desire of this home therapy, you are going to need 10 salon supplies. 

These ten salon supplies will make your nails healthy as well as make them shine. Some studies state that your nails can actually tell your age, so if you want your nails to keep looking young and healthy, then you will need to indulge in a regular manicure-pedicure ritual. For this ritual to be successful, you will need some salon supplies.

1. Cuticle Pusher

Cuticles require special attention so that they do not become dry and flaky. A cuticle pusher is used to push the skin from your nails back and away. If you have tough and hard skin, then it is best to use a steel cuticle pusher, and if you have a soft cuticle, then you must go with a wooden cuticle pusher.

2. Cuticle Nipper

A cuticle nipper is a tool to deal with hangnails, tough cuticles, and the dry skin around your nails. It gives great precision to reach the tight spaces and trim the ingrown nails.

3. Nail Buffer

If you want to get rid of the dullness of your nails, use a nail buffer. It also removes any dry ridges and peeling on your nails by smoothing them out.

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 4. Nail File

This tool is used to gently grind down the edges of your nails, making them smoother and helping you in shaping them.

5. Pumice stone or foot file

A pumice stone is used to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells, and calluses usually found at the bottom of your feet.

6. Nail Brush

Nail brushes are used for thorough cleaning of nails. They can also be used to remove stubborn stains or dirt from the nails. If you simply want your nails to look as neat as possible, you can use this daily.

7. Mild scrub

Exfoliation is the key to soft, smooth skin, and using a mild scrub for your hands and feet is not only relaxing, but it also helps to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells. This also helps in promoting circulation so scrub away but be gentle, especially with your hands.

8. Callus remover

Callus remover or foot scraper efficiently gets rid of dead, dry, and rough skin from your heels to reveal softer, smoother skin. Start by soaking your feet in a basin of warm water for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then, lay a towel next to the basin and put your feet on it to dry them. Your feet need to be dry enough to use the callus remover effectively but moist enough to stay soft.

9. Nail Polish Correcting Pen

You do not have to be a pro nail artist to end up with flawless-looking nails — you just have to know how to clean up around your nail bed properly for a clean, professional finish. A polish-erasing pen can help with that, thanks to its precision tip, which is doused in polish remover that can erase any mistakes along the sidewalls of your nails easily.

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10. Nail Repair Formula

If you are constantly putting on false nails or getting gel polish applied to your nails, your nails can tend to be dry and brittle. It is a good idea to give your natural nails a break for a week and apply a formula nightly that restores and conditions your nails back to a healthy, strong state while you are polish-free.

So these are ten nail salon supplies that you will need to keep your nails healthy and shiny.

See here for great examples of nail kits.