Tips to Create Perfect Flower Beds for Your Landscape

Tips to Create Perfect Flower Beds for Your Landscape

Landscaping is fun and a healthy hobby. For most of the beginners building a flower bed from scratch is challenging. It demands your attention and time but not that difficult. Begin with proper planning about what to plant and the perfect spot. Think about the soil, sunlight exposure, weather conditions, moisture, and temperature in your area.

Finding a perfect spot for planting the flowers is essential for impressive landscapes. Moreover, the choice of flower species has a huge impact on the overall look. If you want to start it from scratch, this post has helpful tips for every step.

You can also hire professionals to build amazing corner flower beds in Tampa FL. They have the expertise to build perfect edges. A professionally handled garden designs add a ton to the curb appeal of the house.

Starting A Flower Bed from Scratch

Surround your home with color and fragrances by building flower beds. Starting a flower bed is fun if you follow the right steps. Getting it right at first time saves a lot of time and money in the longer run. Whatever the size of the flower bed, the process begins with finding a perfect location.


Choosing A Suitable Location

Take notes after observing the sunlight hours. Know the spots which receive the most sunlight. Remember that more sunlight means more blooms and colors. Drought resistant perennials like coneflower and coreopsis grow well in south-facing beds. Six hours of sunlight is enough for these plants.

Check the soil quality in the garden. There might be a few notable differences in the soil composition. Consult your local nurseries to find the best-growing flower plants in your area. Creating corner beds might be tricky for you. Hire professional corner flower beds services.

Digging Out Grass

Once you have chosen the perfect spot, start amending and improving the soil. The first step is to remove the grass. The grass is often removed by two methods, one involves chemical application whereas the second method does not need any herbicide.

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Method 1: Herbicide Application

It is also called a dig-out method in the convention. Use a flat shovel to dig the grass. Dig almost 4-5 inches deep around the perimeter of the future flower bed. Lift out or peel the sod carefully.

Now apply herbicide in the suggested quantities. It should be the last resort as most of the herbicides are not environmental friendly. Once the soil is prepared, start planting the flowers. You can add organic matter before plantation.

Method 2: Without Herbicide Application

Most of the gardeners prefer using this method. It simply involves pulling out the grass without digging deeper. Use cardboard or newspaper to smother it out. If you wish to plant a flower bed in summer, start the no-dig bed in early spring.

Add several layers of newspaper or cardboard and saturate it with water. Then add six layers of mulch. The paper will slowly decompose to give fertile flower bed soil.

The Basic Four Steps to Build Perfect Edges

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Creating neat edges is crucial for appealing home gardens. It is important to give a neat look to the flower beds. A smooth line provides a finished look and gives clarity to the scenery. It is easily possible to achieve neat edges by following these four steps.

1. Cut an Edge

Creating a new bd begins with cutting edges. You can use a garden hose to draw the lines. The traditional method is to use a spade and pass it along the line you have already drawn.

Achieving fine edges is quite difficult with a spade as it does not cut curves. Course evaluation is also not effective. You can use an edging tool with a circular blade. It rolls along easily and makes a half-inch deep line in the soil.

2. Remove the Existing Turf

After you have built the primary cut, it is time to deepen it. Use a spade to dig 4-6 inches deep. Now you need to cut the turf on the inside of bed using a common spade. The loosened turf is easily removed by hand.

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3. Edge Honing

Hire corner flower beds services in Tampa FL for perfectly honed edges. If you want professional quality in DIY work, you should use these tips. No rocket science is needed for this. Place hand shears vertically along the trench wall for razor-sharp edges.

Cut the remaining grass blades to make neat edges. Do not hold the shears horizontally or else you will end up ruining the right angles at the edges. For perfectly groomed flower beds, repeat this step two to three times a season.

4. Bed Mulching

You need to treat the soil with mulch. If you are not aware of the term, it is an easy one. A layer of dead and decaying organic matter is added over the soil to improve fertility. It helps in conserving the soil moisture and keeps the soil healthy. It is also used as an insulating layer in cold temperatures. It is not exclusively organic.

When you are done with the honing the edges, add a 2-3 inches thick layer of mulch. It suppresses the weed growth and adds a rich dark color to the edges. Create a gentle slope from the bottom to the top of the edge.

Common Edging Materials

Professionals use the following materials for edging. Each of them has its pros and cons.

1. Wood

Wood serves as a natural and attractive frame for flower beds. It can also be used to line grass beds. It is less expensive as compared to concrete or brick stones. The only difficult thing is that wood does not dip or conform to the ground contour.

2. Metal

Strips of metal are used for their malleability and flexibility. Metal is not affected by water.

3. Concrete

Concrete or brick pavers are reliable options for building flower bed edges. They keep the grass out and look nice. The flat surfaces are suitable for lawnmowers. Hire landscaping experts for corner flower beds services in Florida.