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4 Signs That You Need to Replace Your HVAC System

Like all other household equipment, heating, cooling, and ventilation (HVAC) systems have a finite lifespan. With regular maintenance and repairs, you can increase this lifespan. However, you can’t use an HVAC forever. Here are the signs to watch out for when it’s time to replace your HVAC system.

Efficiency of Current HVAC

The efficiency of your HVAC has a big impact on its performance. This is determined by a metric known as the seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER) which measures efficiency using the cooling output of the system and the energy input to the system. If the SEER rating of your HVAC is below 14, then it needs to be replaced. At that level, it uses up a lot of electricity to cool or heat up your home, resulting in high electricity bills. Buy a new model which will be more efficient.

Strange Noises and Odors

In good condition, HVACs may produce a small, nearly indiscernible hum while running. However, if you start to hear unusual creaking and cranking, that could be a sign of trouble. A common reason for this noise is a faulty indoor blower. Loud sounds could also indicate a broken or unbalanced component. Generally, a rattling sound just means that the entire unit is going bad and needs comprehensive repair. 

Furthermore, an unusual odor from your HVAC could be indicative of a mold infestation in the air ducts, or burned wiring. This will require replacement of the affected parts or the entire unit depending on the extent of the damage.

Age of Current HVAC

Image via Flickr by erskinelibrary

A reliable HVAC will remain in good condition for about 10 to 15 years. Once that time has elapsed, it’s time to start looking for a new one. There are many reasons for this. First, older HVAC units are less efficient, with a SEER between 10 and 13. This is quite low compared to new HVACs which are more efficient with SEER ratings as high as 21

Furthermore, old HVAC units use CFC refrigerants which are being phased out for their role in accelerating global warming. This makes them difficult to source and dispose. Generally, old air conditioner units are more likely to have performance issues, so they should be replaced promptly before any major problems occur.

Frequency of Repairs

If you are calling a technician every month to repair one damage or another, it’s time to get a new HVAC. This eliminates the cost of frequent repairs and takes the stress off your machine. Moreover, the HVAC was made to run with specific parts. Replacing those parts will reduce the performance of the system. At the end of the day, nothing will work as good as the factory-fitted components.

An old, faulty HVAC is an inconvenience to its owners. It causes poor air circulation and costs more money in energy bills and repair costs. Pay attention to the signs mentioned above and save yourself trouble by buying a new HVAC as soon as you need it.

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