Everything you should know about High blood pressure

Everything you should know about High blood pressure

In medical Science, high blood pressure or hypertension becomes a serious concern. In most of the developed or developing countries, almost half of the adult people are suffering from hypertension.

What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the pressure which blood exerts against the walls of the blood vessels. This force depends on the resistance of the blood vessels and how firm the heart can work. When the arterial pressure gets above the normal range, it causes high blood pressure.

High blood pressure causes heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney disease, dementia, and many more issues in the body.

Symptoms of high blood pressure: 

High blood pressure is named as the silent killer as it has no specific symptoms to identify. Hence you need to check your blood pressure regularly. However, rarely in some cases, it causes sweating, anxiety or sleeping problems.

Reasons for high blood pressure:

  • Age: Hypertension becomes a more common thing among the people above 60 years of age due to narrow or stiffens arteries caused due to plaque build-up.
  • Alcohol or tobacco: Regular consumption of excessive alcohol can cause severe high blood pressure.
  • Abnormal Diet: Consuming high fat or high salt, low potassium foods regularly can cause hypertension.
  • Sex: 2018, review is saying that male has more chances than women after the menopause of women.
  • Heredity: A family of high blood pressure for many years can be cause for a high blood pressure of the next generation.

Major effects of blood pressure on the body: Long term hypertension has a severe impact on health and also know how to lower your blood sugar naturally from our health section. Blood pressure include on:-

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Circulatory system: When the pressure of travelling of blood gets increased abnormally, it causes damage to the major artery walls. Then the walls tend to tear, and the bad cholesterol gets attached with the tearing part and eventually, it blocks the artery. It can cause chest pain, heart attack or even heart failure.

Signs of heart failure are;

  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling tired.
  • Swelling in the feet, legs or abdomen.

Nervous system: Long term high blood pressure causes dementia. Reducing the blood flow can cause a loss of memory or thinking problem. And the abundant reduction of blood flow in the brain causes stroke, which can damage your brain completely. It can also cause eye problems like blurriness or blindness.

Respiratory system: Like heart and brain, lungs can also be damaged due to long term hypertension. Blocking of lungs may lead to sleep apnea that is snoring and breathing irruptions during sleep.

Urinary system: High blood pressure can damage the urinary system, specifically kidney. People facing kidney failure due to high pressure no longer able to remove the waste from their body normally they need dialysis or a transplant.

How to manage high blood pressure?

Check out the tricks to manage your hypertension

  • Exercise regularly: People need to exercise for at least 5 days of a week or 150 minutes per week.
  • Reduce stress: Avoid matters which create stress. Medication, long walk or yoga can help to reduce stress.
  • Healthy diet: Healthy diet can help to spend a healthy life. Reduce salt intake, reduce fat intake, consume less alcohol and eat more fruits and vegetables.
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Last Advice:

Regular checking your blood pressure, living a healthy and happy life keeps you away from high blood pressure.