Road Legal Quad Bikes: The UK Laws

Road Legal Quad Bikes: The UK Laws

Image Source: Flickr

If you are thinking about investing in a quad bike, and would rather have a road legal machine, there are laws that govern the riding of All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) on public roads. As with any vehicle that is allowed onto our roads, there are specific requirements that must be followed, and with that in mind, here is some essential information concerning the laws that govern quad riding in the United Kingdom.

  • Driving Licence Requirements – In order to ride a road legal quad on the roads, you will need to have a full car driving licence, or a category B1 licence, if it was issued before January 1997.
  • Quad Must Be Registered with DVLA – If you wish to ride your quad on the public highways, it must first be registered with the DVLA. If you search online, QuadBikes R Us has road legal quad bikes in the UK, and with a range of new and used models, there’s bound to be something that suits your needs. Once the bike has been registered, the DVLA will issue front and rear number plates, which must be affixed to the bike prior to taking it on the roads.
  • Road Tax – Every vehicle must pay road tax, with the exception of quads that are used for agricultural or forestry work, and if you plan to ride the quad for recreational purposes, you will need to pay road tax.

Road Legal Quad Bikes: The UK Laws

Image Source: Storyblocks

  • Third Party Insurance – This is compulsory for every quad that is road legal, and the supplier would be able to help you to take out the right type of insurance cover. This covers any damage that might be caused to another vehicle, and you might wish to upgrade to fully comprehensive insurance, which will cover you for every eventuality.
  • MOT – If the quad is 3 years or older, it will be required to take an annual MOT test, much like a car would, and this test is to ensure that the quad is, in fact, roadworthy. Prior to booking the MOT test, you should ask your local auto garage to check that everything is working as it should be.
  • The Wearing of a Crash Helmet – Currently, the law in the UK states that a quad rider does not need to wear a crash helmet, yet you are strongly advised to wear one, for your own safety. While England, Scotland and Wales do not require that you wear a crash helmet, if you ride in the Republic of Northern Ireland, you do have to wear a helmet.
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Road Legal Quad Bikes: The UK Laws

Image Source: Unsplash

If you are planning to only ride your quad on private property, then none of the above requirements is necessary, but this would mean that you cannot even cross a public road on a quad, as this would be breaking the law. When you are looking to buy your first road legal quad, the supplier would have all the information you need regarding the laws, and with their help, you can be sure that you are within the laws regarding quad riding.