What Is the Astaxanthin Natural Supplement Good For?

What Is the Astaxanthin Natural Supplement Good For?

Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidative pigment found naturally in several foods that have a reddish color. Several research studies have found it to be beneficial in maintaining overall body health. It is also considered to be helpful in preventing cancer and has properties that speed up treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

In this post, we’ll go over the perceived health benefits of astaxanthin and explain how it helps in treating different diseases. But first, let’s take a look at what astaxanthin is and which foods it’s naturally found in.

What Is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin is a naturally occurring compound that is known for its various health benefits. It is a type of carotenoid belonging to the xanthophyll group. Astaxanthin naturally occurs in some algae as well as shrimp, lobster, salmon, and trout.

Commonly known as a “supernutrient”, astaxanthin acts as a powerful anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory agent. It is one of the most extensively studied carotenoids and has proven to be beneficial for protecting the body against several chronic diseases and cellular damage.

10 Benefits of Astaxanthin

Incorporating foods that are rich in astaxanthin in your daily diet can help improve your overall health. It has been proven to be helpful in reducing the risk of heart-related diseases and treating Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Here are some of the main health benefits of astaxanthin:

#1: Antioxidant

Oxidative stress resulting from high blood glucose can damage pancreatic β-cells (the cells responsible for producing insulin). Astaxanthin helps protect pancreatic β-cells which reduces the high levels of oxidative stress in people suffering from diabetes.

It can also help smokers and obese people lower their oxidative stress and improve blood flow.

Astaxanthin relieves the body of inflammation and stress. Studies have shown that, compared to similar supplements, astaxanthin has the highest antioxidant activity against free radicals.

#2: Cancer

Astaxanthin has long been considered a chemopreventive substance because of its antioxidant properties. According to a research study, naturally occurring astaxanthin compounds have been known to prevent tumor formation and growth of cancer cells in rats.

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Astaxanthin is inexpensive, easily available, and can help cancer patients reduce the impact of cell damage.

Breast cancer patients have experienced short term and long term benefits, including a reduction in the growth of cancer cells in breasts. It does this by activating anti-cancer immune systems in the body.

#3: Skin

Astaxanthin helps protect skin cells from UV damage. People who expose themselves to UV rays from the sun on a regular basis risk developing skin wrinkles and speeding up the ageing process. Astaxanthin is known to have outstanding UV-blocking properties and should be used along with sunscreen to increase skin protection.

According to a research study, a combined dosage of topical and oral astaxanthin was linked to smoothing skin wrinkles in both males and females. It also showed anti-ageing and moisturizing properties.

#4: Exercise Supplement

It’s common to find yourself having to quit your exercise routine halfway because of fatigue or low muscle endurance. This happens because oxidative stress from mitochondria (the power generators of the cell) reduces the body’s ability to convert oxygen and nutrients into energy.

Studies have shown that taking astaxanthin as an exercise supplement can help increase stamina and improve overall endurance levels. Its anti-oxidative characteristics are considered helpful in preventing muscle wear and tear and skeletal tissue damage caused from physical exercise.

However, researchers have found astaxanthin supplements to be ineffectual as a treatment option for muscle injuries.

#5: Heart Health

Astaxanthin can help reduce possible damage following a heart attack. Research examining the effect of this supplement on rats with hypertension or high blood pressure found that astaxanthin proved helpful in maintaining healthy elastin levels and arterial wall thickness.

As an antioxidative agent, astaxanthin is considered beneficial in improving blood flow and maintaining lower cholesterol levels. This results in healthier blood fat levels which means reduced fatty acids present in the blood.

#6: Joint Pain

Astaxanthin is considered helpful in the treatment and prevention of joint pains. As an anti-inflammatory agent, it relieves the effects and pain symptoms in patients with arthritis.

Astaxanthin can help patients experiencing chronic inflammation. Considering three in every five persons is suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases, the pain relief characteristics of astaxanthin help reduce damage caused by free radicals.

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While some researchers consider astaxanthin a possible treatment option for carpal tunnel syndrome, we still have to wait for more evidence in this regard.

#7: Male Fertility

Astaxanthin supplement is also linked to improvement in male fertility. According to a research study involving 30 males suffering from infertility, taking astaxanthin supplements resulted in improvement of sperm count and motility. Researchers also noted increased fertility in participants who were given a higher dosage of astaxanthin medication.

These findings are not conclusive, and a lot of research is required to understand the benefits of astaxanthin on male reproductive health.

#8: Fights Inflammation

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid pigment that helps prevent body inflammation by reducing the activity of inflammatory compounds in the body. The compound is able to target high-stress areas in your body that are known to cause inflammation.

According to a research study, astaxanthin has shown to be beneficial in improving chronic inflammation related to oral lichen planus.

Chronic inflammation fuels other conditions like heart problems. Using astaxanthin as a dietary supplement can be helpful in preventing against such diseases.

#9: Improves Vision

Astaxanthin is beneficial in protecting eyes from common eye diseases like glaucoma – a condition in which increased pressure inside the eyeball results in gradual loss of vision. Astaxanthin reduces blurred vision and eye dryness. It is also helpful in treating diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (a condition which causes blurred vision in the center of the visual field).

Some researchers have also found astaxanthin helpful for patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy (a diabetic complication that affects eyes) and eye fatigue.

#10: Protects Your Brain

Old age can result in memory loss and cause reduction in cognitive functions. Researchers have found that astaxanthin supplement could help in preventing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Astaxanthin is known to show strong anti-oxidative properties which can help prevent neurodegeneration related to oxidative stress.

It promotes brain health and improves cognitive function in older people who suffer from age-related forgetfulness. It also improves blood flow in the brain.


Astaxanthin is a naturally occurring substance that shows strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has shown many health benefits for patients suffering from joint pains, cardiovascular, and brain-related diseases.

Supplementing astaxanthin in your diet or eating foods containing high levels of astaxanthin (like lobster, salmon, trout and shrimp) will help improve your overall health.

This guest post comes from JGBilling, one of Chicago’s premiere medical billing and coding outsourcing companies