A Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that uses fat removed from the hips, back, thighs, or abdomen to enhance the size or shape of the buttocks. Because the surgery removes fat from undesired areas while also adding volume to the buttocks, it’s a very popular option for people who want to alter their figures. There is an ideal weight range for a Brazilian butt lift, though, which ensures that people who get the surgery see great results.
What is the right weight for a BBL?
To achieve the best possible results, you’ll need to be within a certain weight range when you undergo surgery. Your ideal weight for surgery depends on a number of factors, including your height, body type, and goals or expectations for the procedure. During your consultation, you and your surgeon will discuss your expected results and determine whether you’re at the right weight.
Candidates for a Brazilian butt lift need to have some extra fat, especially on the abdomen, thighs, hips, or back. Therefore, you should be at the higher end of the healthy BMI range, or you should be a few pounds overweight.
Most surgeons recommend that candidates for a Brazilian butt lift have a BMI under 30 but above 23 or 24. This will vary depending on your body type and body fat percentage, though. Two people at the same height and weight could have different proportions or different amounts of body fat, so one might be better suited to the surgery than the other.
Although it’s important to have some extra fat, most cosmetic surgeons do have an upper weight or BMI limit. If your body has too much fat, the results won’t be as noticeable. Being at a BMI greater than 35 can also increase your risk of complications. The risks get even more serious if your BMI is greater than 40, so most surgeons will not perform an elective surgery on people at this weight.
Also, if you’re at the lower end of a healthy BMI or are underweight, your doctor may recommend a different procedure instead of a Brazilian butt lift. Your results won’t be as dramatic if you’re starting at a lower weight, so a different surgery might help you get closer to your goals.
Why do you have to be a certain weight for a BBL?
The results of your surgery depend on how much fat the surgeon can remove from other areas on your body. The first step to a Brazilian butt lift is using liposuction to remove excess fat from the hips, thighs, abdomen, back, or other easily accessible places. Then, the fat is processed and injected into the buttocks.
In most cases, the surgeon only injects one or two pounds of the processed fat into the buttocks. However, it usually takes eight to 10 pounds of removed fat to get one or two pounds of injectable fat. You’ll need at least 10 pounds of extra fat in areas of your body that are easy to reach with liposuction. If you’re looking for a hair transplant NYC then check us out.
People starting at a slightly higher weight will see more dramatic results because of the body contouring that results from the liposuction. Even if the surgeon didn’t inject the removed fat, the liposuction itself can make your butt look larger and rounder. The appearance of the buttocks is largely influenced by how your abdomen, thighs, and back look. When they have less fat, your butt will look more voluminous in comparison, even if it hasn’t actually changed in size. If your surgeon can’t remove much fat from the surrounding areas on your body, the results of the surgery won’t look as noticeable.
What can you do if you’re not at the right weight?
If your surgeon thinks your starting weight is too high, they may recommend losing some weight to prepare for the surgery. Exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet to lose weight, and in a few months or a year you’ll probably be a great candidate for a Brazilian butt lift. While working on weight loss, try some exercises that could shape up your bottom naturally. You may not even need surgery to achieve your desired look.
If you don’t have enough fat for the surgery, you could gain weight until you’re eligible. Some doctors don’t recommend gaining weight if you’re at a healthy weight, so intentionally gaining fat may not always be a good idea. Other doctors encourage their patients to gain 10 to 15 pounds to improve the results of the surgery, though. If you do decide to gain weight, it’s important to eat larger portions of healthy foods instead of eating lots of junk food or fast food. You should still exercise, and you shouldn’t gain more than the recommended amount of weight. You should also always discuss your options with your surgeon before you decide to alter your weight.
Donald Roland, MD is one of the leading cosmetic surgeons in New York City. He’s certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He performs a variety of surgical and nonsurgical procedures, including Brazilian butt lifts.